What we are doing
The focus of the roadshow is a mobile, student-centred digital classroom. It travels to you so you can try it out for up to four weeks.
Small groups can work student-to-student or student-to-tutor with digital content at individual tables wirelessly connected to a group screen. This content can be simultaneously duplicated onto a large front-of-class screen.
These pop-up learning spaces are designed to promote active learning and students can be engaged with real-time quizzes, instant ad hoc questions and a range of collaborative tasks.
How this will help you
Experiencing a pop-up classroom gives you practical experience of an active learning space on site. It can help you make informed decisions about what is involved and how it can benefit students and staff.
It also works as a hub to bring stakeholders across your institution and in your locality together, sharing experiences of active learning and looking at effective strategies.
It is important to understand the critical success factors before you invest or look to develop your current learning and teaching spaces. The roadshow will help you avoid pitfalls by demonstrating what’s involved in a successful deployment of an active learning space, including:
- – Putting an effective wireless infrastructure in place
- – Designing the curriculum to suit active learning pedagogies
- – Enhancing staff and student digital capabilities
- – Understanding how such spaces support accessibility and inclusion
- – Optimising learning spaces to support varying durations of learning sessions
Get involved
Throughout 2019 we will be bringing the roadshow to different campus locations around the UK. We will incorporate a wide range of workshops for both the host institution and those in the region.
If you would like the roadshow to come to you or are interested in attending a workshop, please contact Duncan Peberdy (duncan.peberdy@jisc.ac.uk).
Read more about hosting requirements for the sticky campus roadshow (pdf).
Upcoming roadshows
We have some roadshow hosts already confirmed, with more details coming soon.
- – Portsmouth University – 3-28 June 2019
- – University of Derby – 1-25 October 2019
- – Belfast Metropolitan College – 4-29 November 2019
- – University of Stirling – date TBC
- – University of Strathclyde – date TBC